Series 1, Page 7

Journal Entry #7

Journal Entry #7
By Andrew-david
September 15th, 2014 at 03:28PM

Hello everyone!
Not much Aikonia-related news this week, but I do want to mention that Tim's indie game development team, Tile Isle, relaunched last week. Check out their new site!
They were also at the Pixelpop Festival in St. Louis where they had some of their games on display.
Also, next week, we might start posting more than one of those journal entries a week.
Until then, have a great week!

Ekeron said:
Tusknose the magic boar for main character of the future game!
Is the healing being caused by the bite itself or some kind of teeth based form of magic?
Teeth magic is vastly underrepresented in the fantasy genre. Posted on September 15th, 2014 at 04:39PM Reply
Renkaion said:
I had a question, why is it that we can't right click and save the pages. I've been wanting to save them to my hard drive so I can read them offline Posted on September 17th, 2014 at 09:58PM Reply
Andrew-David replied:
Sorry :(
If you know how HTML works, this would make sense to you: Images are actually set as background images to the containing <div>. They aren't displayed as actual <img> tags, so they can't be interacted with like regular images.
I didn't think people actually saved images to their desktops anymore nowadays, so I didn't think this would be a problem when designing the website. Have you considered using Pocket or Evernote to save links and view them offline at later times? Even some RSS readers have a "save offline for later" feature, like "Reeder" for Mac.
Either way, I guess I could add a button or link somewhere that downloads the image for you. Posted on September 18th, 2014 at 12:28PM
Silka replied:
Also, you could do an "inspect element" on the image area, and pull the link for the pic you're trying to save THAT way. I've done it a few times; it works pretty well. ^.^ Posted on September 22nd, 2014 at 12:54PM
Andrew-David replied:
Yeah, that's how I would do it as well, but not everyone uses Chrome (unfortunately) and not everyone understand how to use the element inspector, and those that do already know they can do that, so I figured mentioning it would not be necessary. Posted on September 22nd, 2014 at 03:11PM
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