Chapter V, Page 31

The Library

Chapter V, Page 31

The Library

The Library
Journal Entries!
By Andrew-david
February 5th, 2015 at 02:17PM

Hey everyone!
I recently noticed that some of you are not aware of the journal entries, so I thought I'd post a quick blurb on the homepage to point out that we post journal entries every Thursday and you can access them by clicking the "Journal" link the the navigation header at the top of the site. This week's page is right here!

The Library
By Ira
January 19th, 2015 at 01:47PM

This page was simultaneously great and a huge pain to work on. I love being able to really spread out a bit and give a scene some depth and room to breathe, but good lord I think there must be at least 300 books in this scene. Oh my god. It was certainly an experience, and I hope you folks enjoy the resulting page!

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