Chapter I, Page 27

Undeserved Probation Status

Chapter I, Page 27

Undeserved Probation Status

Undeserved Probation Status
No Title
By Andrew-david
June 28th, 2019 at 11:47AM

Hello awesome readers!
So, as you can hopefully tell, we did some minor changes to the Aikonia website. Some of you may want to refresh their caches to see the changes (ctrl+shift+delete on most browsers). They mostly involve the header and footer. Tell us what you think! :)
I'd also like to remind you that the contest ends this weekend (February 19th), so if you've drawn something and haven't submitted it to the gallery yet, now is your chance!
Finally, I know I mentioned the forum was on it's way last week, but unfortunately, I decided to postpone that. Although it should be up before the end of February, so in the meantime, keep an eye on the Facebook page and Twitter stream!
Also, happy Valentine's Day to those of you who celebrate it! :D

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