Chapter I, Page 36

Announcing the Arrival of New Students

Chapter I, Page 36

Announcing the Arrival of New Students

Announcing the Arrival of New Students
No Title
By Andrew-david
April 18th, 2011 at 03:00AM

Hello everyone!
Nothing much going on this week. We did a little server maintenance and did some changes to the donation system. It now immediately increases the progress bar after you donate and automatically emails you with links to the PDF files (if you donated more than $5). The next goodie is also ready for release, we're just waiting for that bar to hit $100! :)
We also added a new section to the blurb: "Interesting Finds". It's basically links to interesting/cool stuff we find through-out the week! It's right below this post, so check it out! Also, don't forget we added the links page! We'll feature your site on there if you feature ours on yours :)
That is all, enjoy this week's interesting finds and have a nice week!

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