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By Andrew-david
April 11th, 2011 at 03:00AM
Hey everyone!
Hope you all had a wonderful week :)
We have quite a few announcements to make this week. First, I'd like to mention our brand new donation & goodies page! We added a progress bar on there that keeps track of the donations. So every time that bar reaches $100, we will unlock a new goodie for you to download and enjoy, and on top of that (if you donated $5 or more), not only will you receive an exclusive PDF, but you'll also be entered in a draw! We ordered a ton of stickers and we'll be sending a bunch to the winner of the draw along with a personal thank you note!
We also added ads on the site. I am aware that some of you hate ads, and most of you probably have ads blocked, but they really do help keep this comic going, so we'd really appreciate it if you bear with us on this one :)
And, as some of you have noticed, the "links" link in the footer has been there for a while, but never led anywhere, so I decided to finally build that page. We'd be glad to feature your site on there as long as you feature ours in return.
Finally, by popular demand, we replaced the "share on Digg" button by a StumbleUpon button at the bottom of the comic.
Thank you all so much for your support, we really appreciate it and you're all so very awesome for helping us out :D