Series 1, Page 3

Journal Entry #3

Journal Entries
By Andrew-david
August 18th, 2014 at 10:01AM

Hello everyone!
Not much to talk about this week, although I'd love to hear some feedback on these journal entries. Do you like the format? Is it too much text? Where do you think the story is going, any speculation? Post in the comments!
Enjoy this week's page and have a wonderful week :)

Guest said:
Well, this sounds familiar... Doesn't practically every third person in Chapters 3-4 get zapped and/or stabbed/bitten? No, just kidding, but really, who is Marill? I am too stupid to put it all together... Judging by the fact that they managed to slow their fall with magic, they're either a Binder, or a Channeler with a slight aptitude for Casting, or vice versa. But Derron proved that Casters can delve through the Veil, to an extent. Or were there certain circumstances that allowed him to do so? Are preexisting talents alone needed to become a Binder? Or can practice/experience ensure that one gains a small amount of Binding power? And the illustration looks like a bunch of the tree-things in Magicka. Did they stumble through the portal before or after the Council's (And that dragon-monster-thingy's) life essence was dissipated? Who was the person who tried to help them in their confusion? Was the portal deactivated when the crystal was destroyed? I feel so dumb. *Hurrdurrs away* Posted on August 18th, 2014 at 11:24AM Reply
Tim replied:
*Like* Posted on August 18th, 2014 at 12:26PM
Guest replied:
Purple... There was purple light in pages 151-155. Maybe that was it? Posted on August 18th, 2014 at 12:48PM
Andrew-David replied:
Wow! Alright, here are some answers:

1) Marill is a student. A new character introduced for these journal entries.
2) Marill is a Binder.
3) Handling magic is a talent. Some people have it, others don't. Channeling requires more will power, strength, and resistance. While casting requires more intelligence, accuracy, and agility. Think of it as the jocks vs. the nerds, or the surgeons vs. the medical doctors. Technically, anyone can become a Binder, but it requires a ton of work, talent, and education so it isn't really for everyone. You must graduate with near perfect scores as a Caster or Channeler before you can re-enter the institute to become a Binder, and even then your application could be rejected if the Council members think you do not have enough potential.
4) To figure out the timeline and approximately at what point in the story Marill stumbled into the portal, I suggest you read entries 1 and 2 really carefully ;)
5) "Who was the person who tried to help them in their confusion?" I am not sure I understand this question.
6) Regarding the portal being deactivated, check out Chapter 4, Page 19.

Hopefully this clears up a few things! :) Posted on August 18th, 2014 at 01:48PM
Guest replied:
Thanks! Posted on August 18th, 2014 at 03:13PM
David D said:
I don't know what's going on lately, but I keep getting the faded version of the comic when I'm on th website, lately. It looks just like it does in my RSS reader... What gives? Posted on August 19th, 2014 at 05:17PM Reply
Andrew-David replied:
Someone posted the same question on the previous page. Was that you? If not, read my reply over there and feel free to reply to me here. I'll look into it once I have more information. Posted on August 19th, 2014 at 06:31PM
David D replied:
Wasn't me, but some helpful info nonetheless! I did have, at one point, where all I could pull up was the aforementioned, faded "RSS Version" of a week's worth of the newer journal-entries, but it was fixed by the time I thought to comment on it then. Posted on August 19th, 2014 at 07:27PM
Church said:
I like the way the journal posts are going actually. Posted on August 19th, 2014 at 05:44PM Reply
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