Guest Season 5, Page 2
Everyone is Sick :(
Guest Season 5, Page 2
Everyone is Sick :(

No Title
By Andrew-david
June 23rd, 2014 at 03:00AM
Quick notice: Ira still isn't feeling too great, so it looks like this week's page will be posted tomorrow (Tuesday, June 24th) instead! Sorry everyone D:
In the meantime, we've extended the Aikonia poster sale by one day, so you have until tomorrow, noon EST, to pick up a poster for 50% off! If you still don't own one of our awesome posters, now's your chance!
No Title
By Andrew-david
June 17th, 2014 at 03:00AM
We decided to do a small poster sale to make up for not having a page ready this week! You can get 50% off any poster (not including shipping costs) by using the code SICK50 in the offer field on our Gumroad store.
The offer code can only be used 10 times per poster. Once a poster has been sold 10 times, the code will no longer function on that particular poster. The offer will expire on Monday, June 23rd 2014, at noon EST.
You can visit the offer page for each poster directly by using the links below:
Council Members Poster:
Volume One Cover Poster:
Adventurers Poster:
No Title
By Andrew-david
June 16th, 2014 at 03:00AM
Hello everyone!
So, Ira and I are both sick and I think Tim hurt his back and neck somehow. So... no page this week, sorry :/
We will have a preview up of next week's page on Wednesday though, so check back then!
Have a great week!