Guest Season 5, Page 9
The Ballad of Crazy Steve
Guest Season 5, Page 9
The Ballad of Crazy Steve

Konira Thax on Patreon!
By Andrew-david
June 8th, 2015 at 05:43PM
Hello everyone!
First off, I would like to thank Shelbie for providing this week's awesome guest page! :D
Second, if you checked out Konira's comics and would like to support them, make sure you check out their Patreon campaign!
The Ballad of Crazy Steve
By Konira
June 8th, 2015 at 02:11PM
This is Konira Thax, I'm super excited and glad I was able to do another guest comic for the Aikonia series and it's team!
You can find me and my work over on my hub site:
Konira Comics and my tumblr
Thank you for reading!
~ Konira