Chapter II, Page 10

Up to Something

Chapter II, Page 10

Up to Something

Up to Something
No Title
By Andrew-david
August 8th, 2011 at 03:00AM

Hey everyone!
We hope you had a great week :)
We're not sure if you've noticed, but we've removed the "Advertise" link from the navbar and replaced it by a "Members" link. That page is not complete yet, but we're hoping to get it done by the end of August. It will feature all kinds of exclusive stuff such as original artwork (like maps, characters, creatures, sketches, and more), documents and PDFs, and exclusive goodies that won't be in the donation section of the site. All those will help expand the world of Aikonia.
Also, this is a final reminder that we'll be attending Otakuthon in Montreal this coming weekend (August 12 -> 14) and if you're planning on going, you should look for us! We'll be giving away stickers :D

Now, on a more serious note, I'm sure some of you have heard about the famine happening in Somalia right now. A lot of people are donating to help out and we decided to help out as well. So, during this entire week (until the next page is released), 100% of the donations we receive will be sent to The Humanitarian Coalition to help Somalia!
"But why donate through Aikonia instead of straight to them?" you ask? Because, remember, whenever our donation meter is filled, we unlock a free goodie for you (and you get some exclusive goodies when you donate $5 or more)! You can take advantage of that. Not only will you be helping us help Somalia, but you'll also be getting stuff in exchange! Everyone wins :)

Oh, and, don't forget to vote! ;)
Thanks! Have a great week!

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