End Of Chapter 5!
By Andrew-david
May 25th, 2015 at 01:21PM

Hello everyone!

This page marks the end of Chapter 5! We'll be taking two weeks off while we work on Chapter 6, although we suggest you keep checking the comic and our social networks as we will be posting guest pages! We will also be announcing some very exciting news before Chapter 6 begins!
And, of course, don't forget that we will still be posting journal entries every Thursday!

Have a wonderful week and see you soon!

Eek Fest!
By Andrew-david
May 18th, 2015 at 04:06PM

Hey everyone!

Aikonia is going to be at Eek Fest on May 30-31 in the MADSOFT Triple Booth!If you happen to be in or near Edmonton or St. Albert (in Alberta, Canada), you should totally drop by and say hello! Two of us will be there with merch, the MADJAM games, and the latest version of Me and My Dinosaur 2!

See you there and have a wonderful week!

Journal Entry #43
By Andrew-david
May 14th, 2015 at 02:18PM

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to apologize for not posting a main story page this week! We're dealing with a lot of changes on our end, but at least we still have journal entries for you to read and enjoy! Please don't hesitate to leave comments :)

Have a wonderful week, and see you next Monday!

Small Update
By Andrew-david
May 7th, 2015 at 07:10PM

Hello everyone!

Just a quick update to say that this week's journal entry will be posted tomorrow morning instead of today!

Getting To Know The Team: Ira Gladkova!
By Andrew-david
April 27th, 2015 at 12:08PM

Hey everyone!

No page this week, but we did just post an interview with Ira on the MADSOFT Games blog.


MADJAM Tickets!
By Andrew-david
April 23rd, 2015 at 05:52PM

Hello everyone!

So, if you happen to be in or near Edmonton and you're interested in game development, whether it be as a programmer, artist, animator, writer, or music composer, you should consider getting some tickets to participate in the next MADJAM event! We also have a lot of speakers talking at this event, so even if you don't plan on building a game, you can still get a ticket solely for getting access to the talks!

Tickets are available on EventJoy for just $15 until Saturday night, so hurry!

Tile Isle On Patreon!
By Tim
April 6th, 2015 at 01:18PM

For the last few years, I have been gradually trying to build up my game development career. It's been slow, but, with the arrival of HaxeFlixel, I have been making huge strides over the last year.
I hope by sometime next year to be able to quit my day job and make games full time, but I need to get some devoted supporters, as well as even a little bit of funds coming in to help offset the cost of this 'hobby.'
So that's where I need your help. My game dev partner Tim (Art) and I (Code) just launched a Patreon campaign.
Our goal is to make a totally new, complete game each month. We're asking for people to pledge a few dollars per game to help us build up momentum.
You can pledge any amount you want, but if you pledge at least $5 per game, you will get to download that game when it's complete, and get to directly influence the game's development process by getting previews and giving us feedback!
Check out our Patreon campaign here and if you decide to support us, thank you! If you don't have the funds or don't want to pay us anything but still want to help out in other ways, you can simply help spread the word by sharing it with your friends!
Oh and, sometime really soon, we'll be announcing the game we're working on this month to Patrons only! Become a supporter if you don't want to feel left out!

Reaction Shots
By Ira
March 30th, 2015 at 02:08PM

I love drawing reaction shots. Kat is my favourite because she is, above all else, SO DONE.

Early Bird MADJAM Tickets!
By Andrew-david
March 23rd, 2015 at 12:21PM

Hello everyone!

Just a quick reminder that if you're in Edmonton, Alberta and are interested in participating in game jams or even just listen to over 14 speakers talk about game development, art, music, and entrepreneurship, you should get tickets to the next MADJAM events while they're available at early bird prices! Check out the MADJAM IndieGoGo campaign!

Thank you and have a great week! :)

By Andrew-david
March 19th, 2015 at 02:08PM

Hello everyone!

So, we'll post a story page next Monday, we just wanted to take this week to tribute a great author that was a very big influence to us. In the mean time, enjoy this week's journal entry!

Also, if any of you are in or around Edmonton, Alberta, you should consider supporting MADJAM on IndieGoGo! Even if you don't think you'll be able to participate, whether it be because you won't have the time or because you don't have any of the necessary skills to be involved in game development, you could still contribute to get some swag! And if you purchase a ticket, you'll get access to all the talks we will be doing during the week of the event, so it's still worth it even though you're not participating in the jam! CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT THE CAMPAIGN ON INDIEGOGO! And please, spread the word as much as you can! :)

Thank you!

Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?
By Tim
March 16th, 2015 at 01:20PM

Thursday morning had progressed like any other Thursday. I was sitting at work, blinking to keep myself awake as the caffeine from my Doctor-flavored, carbonated beverage seeped into my bloodstream and waiting for something that I could work on to present itself. As is so often the case, I found my internet-surfing digits institutionally manipulating my mouse and clicking over to Twitter where I would certainly find myself bombarded by the typical non-news, food pics, and meme sharing that I could tolerate for a few moments before being able to pull myself away. Today, however, would prove to be different.

It skipped past me almost unnoticed, as it was quickly pushed off the screen by silly pictures of someone's dog, and a whimsical blog post about something internety. The name just managed to catch my eye, and an accompanying link to something on the BBC's website. "Ooh!" I thought, as I clicked the link into another tab, and didn't think about it for a little while. A few minutes and a few more new tabs later, and I glanced up to see the name again, although now chopped off: "BBC NEWS - Sir Terry Pratche..." "Maybe there's a new book coming out, or... I dunno something?" I wondered as I clicked over to read the article. I was wrong.

The actual contents of the article sent a shock through me. I sat, stunned, for fully 20 minutes before I was able to scroll down, past the headline: "Sir Terry Pratchett, renowned fantasy author, dies aged 66" I still haven't been able to bring myself to read through it in it's entirety. I was - and still am - at a loss for what to even think of this terrifying, and terrible new world that I have found myself in.

To try and get an idea for why this loss has devastated me so much, we have to go back a few years to one day in High School. I was complaining about my troubles in finding decent reading materials to a buddy of mine, and - I can almost picture the exact conversation in my head, down to the wry grin, and the subtle cock of his head he gave me as - he responded by saying: "Have you read any Discworld books?"

"Discworld? No... don't think so... is that like Ringworld? I read some of those... didn't get them."

"Nope. Totally different."

I shrugged, and he looked for a minute as if he was going to try and sell me on the virtues of this Discworld of his, but, instead, he shook his head and said: "Hold on."

He rummaged around in his backpack for a minute, digging past unopened textbooks, scraps of papers, and Magic: The Gathering cards before pulling out and handing me a very well-loved copy of Small Gods.

"Here, " he said, as I thumbed through the book, "Read it, tell me what you think."

Then he wandered off to class or wherever it was he was meant to be, and I did the same.

I started reading on the bus-ride home that day, and was glued to the book until sometime around 2 in the morning when I finished the final page, closed the book, and then collapsed into a dreamless sleep. My head already filling up with new ideas and perspectives. I think I even started re-reading it on the way to school the next day, and, when I met up with my friend to give him his book back, he asked: "So?"

To which, I could only reply with eyes-wide: "F---, yes."

I don't like to curse, and I don't do so lightly. The impact was not lost on him.

So began my long love affair with the Discworld. I was now constantly at my library asking them to order books (no one had ever asked for them at that branch before). At the time, Jingo was the latest that had been released, so I had several books to read - out of order, naturally - before I was even close to being 'caught up'.

His writing inspired me to take up writing. It opened doorways and made connections in my brain that absolutely changed the way I perceive the world. It sparked ideas, and has left marks within me that I am still working through to try and truly understand.

I could go on, at great length, until the point where I have completely exhausted all of the words, on the virtues of Pratchett's writing, but, I don't feel like I need to. There are only 2 types of people who would be reading this post. Those who have read his books, and know exactly what I'm going on about, and those who have not. To the former, there's nothing more I can say. To the latter, all I can say is: pick up one of his books, as soon as possible, and start reading. In a way, I kind of envy you. You have more than 40, brand new Terry Pratchett books to experience for the very first time. You have dozens of characters that you have yet to meet, and adventure with. You get to watch Susan come of age and get in touch with her family, Carrot arriving to, and becoming a foundation of the city, the Witches and their adventures and vacations (which are often hard to tell apart), Vimes and his love/hate (but mostly hate) relationship with, well, everything, Rincewind, the most traveled Wizard (or Wizzard?), the body of the University (and their university-sized bodies), and so many, many more... all of which are still new to you, reader. I can only hold on to the memory of starting and finishing a brand new story in the Discworld, there will be no new tales from there for me.

Today, I wanted to take a break in our regular post to share this post with you, our readers. I feel like the throw-away comments and condolences in 140-characters or less that I saw whizzing past on Thursday did not do enough justice to the loss of an absolutely great man.

I hope that each of you can take some time to reflect back on some of the inspiration, joy, or whatever that you have gained from reading something of Pratchett's. Share it with someone, or, if you haven't started yet, well, there's no time like the present.

Sir Terry, your work has made me aspire to tell better stories and build better worlds.

And at the end of all stories, Azrael, who knows the secret, thinks: I REMEMBER WHEN ALL THIS WILL BE AGAIN.

SciAnts And Thunderclap!
By Tim
March 12th, 2015 at 03:03PM

Hey everyone!

In case you didn't know, I released a game on Sunday called SciAnts! You can download it for free on your Android device over at the Google Play Store! Also, we've got a Thunderclap campaign running for the next couple of days, and we could really use your help to spread the word.


SciAnts Thunderclap Campaign
By Andrew-david
March 5th, 2015 at 01:31PM

Hello everyone!
So, Tim is going to be launching one of the games he's been working on, SciAnts, soon and I thought I'd share his Thunderclap campaign on here.
In case you're not aware, Thunderclap is similar to Kickstarter, except instead of pledging money, you pledge to post/tweet about whatever you're supporting. If the campaign reaches its 100 supporter goal by March 13th, and you are one of the supporters, a tweet or post will be posted on your Twitter/Facebook/Tumblr account at the end of the campaign from Thunderclap, at the same time as everyone else.
I'm sure the site probably explains all that better, so make sure you check it out!
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

New Tumblr Button
By Andrew-david
March 2nd, 2015 at 01:03PM

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to quickly mention that we updated the social sharing section underneath the comic and replaced the StumbleUpon button with a Tumblr one! So you can now share pages as image posts on your Tumblog!
And don't forget to check back on Thursday for a new journal entry!

Have a great week :)

Journal Entry #32
By Andrew-david
February 26th, 2015 at 12:02PM

Hello everyone!
We're excited to be posting story pages again, so make sure you check every Monday and Thursday for new pages and new journal entries, respectively. We'll be doing some exciting announcements soon, but in the mean time, please enjoy this week's journal entry!
Also, don't forget that you can donate to help support the comic! By doing so, you will unlock exclusive prints!
Have a great weekened :)

We're Back!
By Andrew-david
February 23rd, 2015 at 04:47PM

Hey everyone!
Sorry for the delay, but Aikonia is back! Hopefully you've been reading the journal entries we've been posting every Thursday in the meantime. We should be back to our regular schedule now, so make sure you check on Mondays and Thursdays!
Also, don't forget about the donation meter and the unlockable prints! Check out the goodies section for more info.
Have a wonderful week!

Journal Entries!
By Andrew-david
February 5th, 2015 at 02:17PM

Hey everyone!
I recently noticed that some of you are not aware of the journal entries, so I thought I'd post a quick blurb on the homepage to point out that we post journal entries every Thursday and you can access them by clicking the "Journal" link the the navigation header at the top of the site. This week's page is right here!

Status Of Main Story & Donations
By Andrew-david
February 5th, 2015 at 02:04PM

Hello everyone!

I'm sorry for the lack of main story pages these past two weeks. Unfortunately, some of us are dealing with some personal issues at the moment and we had to put a little pause on the main story for a few weeks. We won't have a page next Monday, but hopefully we should be back the week after. Until then, we are still posting journal entry pages on Thursdays, so check those out and please don't hesitate to discuss in the comments!

I also want to remind you all that we have a new donation system! Every time a milestone is reached on the donation meter, a new exclusive print is unlocked for you to download as a high resolution PNG or PDF for you to print. By the end of the year, a bundle of all the prints, including the locked ones, will be available for purchase in limited quantities. The bundle stock will depend on the donations received throughout the year.

If you enjoy Aikonia and want to support us, please consider donating! And thank you to everyone that has supported us thus far!

Have a great week!

Journal Entry #28
By Andrew-david
January 29th, 2015 at 03:28PM

Hello everyone!
We apologize for not having a page this week, some of us are going through some personal stuff AND the rest of us have been dealing with MADJAM's aftermath. We should be back next week though! Until then, enjoy the journal entry :)

MADJAM 2015!
By Andrew-david
January 22nd, 2015 at 02:14PM

Hey everyone!
The very first MADJAM event is taking place this weekend, in conjunction with the Global Game Jam, and I'm super excited! I figured I'd mention this one last time: If any of you amazing readers and supporters happen to be in or near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, you should totally drop by tomorrow (January 23rd)! Even if you don't plan on participating, you can still be here on the first day to check out the Microsoft booth, listen to the talks, get some swag, and meet awesome people!
The talks start at 5PM tomorrow, so arriving a little before that would be ideal. If you do want to participate, make sure you sign up!
Have a wonderful weekend!

The Webcomic List